Altera nível do log do IDP para DEBUG

Esse procedimento visa alterar o nível do log do IdP para o modo DEBUG, com isso mais informações serão gravadas e informadas para uma melhor analise do problema.

Guia passo a passo

Altere o nível do log para DEBUG. Abra o arquivo /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/logback.xml e altere as linhas 24,25 e 28 abaixo:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    Variables for simplifying logging configuration.

    If you want to use custom properties in this config file,
    we load the main property file for you.
    <variable file="${idp.home}/conf/" />

    <!-- Location and retention. -->

    <variable name="idp.logfiles" value="${idp.logfiles:-${idp.home}/logs}" />
    <variable name="idp.loghistory" value="${idp.loghistory:-180}" />

    <!-- Much higher performance if you operate on DEBUG. -->
    <!-- <variable name="idp.process.appender" value="ASYNC_PROCESS" /> -->

    <!-- Logging level shortcuts. -->
    <variable name="idp.loglevel.idp" value="${idp.loglevel.idp:-INFO}" />
    <variable name="idp.loglevel.ldap" value="${idp.loglevel.ldap:-WARN}" />
    <variable name="idp.loglevel.messages" value="${idp.loglevel.messages:-INFO}" />
    <variable name="idp.loglevel.encryption" value="${idp.loglevel.encryption:-INFO}" />
    <variable name="idp.loglevel.opensaml" value="${idp.loglevel.opensaml:-INFO}" />
    <variable name="idp.loglevel.props" value="${idp.loglevel.props:-INFO}" />
    <variable name="idp.loglevel.httpclient" value="${idp.loglevel.httpclient:-INFO}" />

    <!-- Don't turn these up unless you want a *lot* of noise. -->
    <variable name="idp.loglevel.spring" value="${idp.loglevel.spring:-ERROR}" />
    <variable name="idp.loglevel.container" value="${idp.loglevel.container:-ERROR}" />
    <variable name="idp.loglevel.xmlsec" value="${idp.loglevel.xmlsec:-INFO}" />

    <!-- =========================================================== -->
    <!-- ============== Logging Categories and Levels ============== -->
    <!-- =========================================================== -->

Nas linhas citadas acima alterar para que fiquem como o exemplo abaixo:

<variable name="idp.loglevel.idp" value="${idp.loglevel.idp:-DEBUG}" />
<variable name="idp.loglevel.ldap" value="${idp.loglevel.ldap:-DEBUG}" />
<variable name="idp.loglevel.messages" value="${idp.loglevel.messages:-INFO}" />
<variable name="idp.loglevel.encryption" value="${idp.loglevel.encryption:-INFO}" />
<variable name="idp.loglevel.opensaml" value="${idp.loglevel.opensaml:-DEBUG}" />

Faça o restart do serviço com o comando abaixo:

systemctl restart jetty9.service

Aguarde o serviço voltar e pronto, seu log está em modo DEBUG para o IdP.

Last updated

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